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Why Are we here? Why this page? Out of necessity is the simple answer. Necessity created by a board of directors that has been hijacked by a couple of micro managing controlling board members who have created an amateur management incompetent style resulting in a mess. A hijacked board that is so secret they refuse to even tell us who the members are. This page is by the owners and for the owners. 


Mess 1. Fire safety. Please see our page on the Fire Code Mandate. Because of incompetence and mishandling of this important/critical safety matter for nearly a decade, we have not installed the sprinkler system that requires all high rises in Texas to be at least 50% sprinklered (operational) by Jan 1, 2025. The mandate law became effective nine years ago. The cost then was approximately $146K and we were ready to do the install. It now is estimated to cost nearly 10X that amount, for which we DO NOT have the money. So, the quandary is how to pay for the mandate in 2024? This is a $1.4 million dollar mess, hard up on a law required date. 


Mess 2. A secret board of directors. You simply cannot make this stuff up, but here we are with a board that is secret, meets in secret, does not publish agendas, does not allow owners to attend, does not have minutes, makes decisions about critical matters without transparency and in nearly global defiance of the bylaws, selectively enforces rules but does not follow rules or the law, even when demanded by Attorneys. Even the annual meeting is secret and only conducted by 'email'. Nearly every amenity and office is locked. There are no published business office hours. We do not know who the business office personnel are or their responsibilities...indeed the business office has complete privacy screens on the doors and windows in a bizarre display of secrecy. We have been told that we are going to be told who the directors are. What a mess.


Mess 3. Elevators. Coming soon is our discussion on this critical matter. For the meantime, each resident feels the pain of our continuously inoperable elevators. Every ride in our elevators is a different experience; dangerous threshold misalignment, rapidly closing doors with out recognizing the interference sensors, unnerving chatter and vibrations, jerking stops, and more!.


Mail. Incredibly, even the mail service is manipulated to stymie communication with the board, owners, and the business office. Under direct instruction by the controlling board management, the Postal Delivery person is not allowed to deliver mail (especially registered or restricted mail) to any unit in the building, but rather must give the mail to the courtesy desk, thus interfering in the delivery of the mail to an intended specific person or entity. (we are working on curing this mess directly with the Postmaster of San Antonio). It is important to note that if the registered mail does not contain the delivered signature of the named person on the RRR form, then that person can claim in court that he did not receive same. This appears to be an intentional part of a larger effort to eliminate contact, interfere with contact within the building, and make a mess of sharing of information. A real mess.


Surveillance. What should be security at Wurzbach Tower has been hijacked for surveillance of owners. Cameras are installed frequently to surveil owners and residents, not just to conduct security. It is amusing to see how the presence of any owner of high interest of the board management results in the almost immediate presence of the board president, or an intercom ring/call to the attending courtesy officer asking what the person is doing. This suggests that the widely suspected fact that the board president has the security camera video piped into the presidents personal condo might be true. This further suggests that this practice, if true, is creepy if not against the law.


Landscape. Outside (no pun intended) of the building...the grounds, plants, and trees are in serious distress.




Parking garage deterioration.


Exterior of the building.


High Assessments.


Employee Morale.


Employee Turnover.


No website or Newsletter.













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