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Coming soon. The bylaws and rules. The very same ones we as owners are required to follow, but evidently not the board members or the board of directors.


Let's look at the examples of the board and board members failing to follow their own 'House Rules'

For years!! Vehicles have remained in the parking garage that are not registered. In fact, Dean Dobson, Board Member and Officer has kept one vehicle unregistered for 5-7 years. The rules clearly state, and are underlined for emphasis, Section XXII, 22.1 that vehicles must be registered and operable.


There are several vehicles in the parking garage that are not registered and have been parked for years.


Dean Dobson instructs the courtesy desk to waive the sign in requirement stated in Section XVI for his guests to his frequent use of the party room. It is a 'Rule' that all guests must sign in!


We will post more glaring examples of the 'Rule's' being broken or ignored by the very board that requires strict compliance with the very Rules they break. Selective enforcement of the board Rules the Rules!


More Coming Soon



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